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Northern Territory Study Tour

On this student-free day, we look back at an activity that took place during the Term 2 holidays. After two years of no travel, this year’s Year 11 cohort finally had the opportunity to participate in the Northern Territory Study Tour. Highlights included the trip to Uluru, where Hayley M reflects on the experience as “an awe-inspiring presence that defied my expectations in its texture, unique shape and varying colours”, Kings Canyon, the river cruises and the Mataranka Thermal Pools. The Study Tour gave the students the opportunity to be independent and self-sufficient as they set up camp multiple times and adapted to new surroundings. Together, they embraced the opportunity to learn more about Indigenous culture and the traditional land owners hearing many stories in the places they visited. The group agreed it was a memorable experience, one they will treasure always. We thank the staff who supervised the trip, giving of their own time so generously to assist.