Visit our College

An important aspect of considering a quality education for your daughter is seeing the prospective school in action, getting a feel for the community and being able to witness first hand some of the facilities and programs on offer.

To do this we encourage families to attend one of our Open Mornings or Talk and Tours, which we have regularly running throughout the year.

2024 Event Schedule

3Open Morning – FULLY BOOKEDWednesday
24 July
3Talk and Tour with the Principal – FULLY BOOKEDTuesday
30 July
3Open Morning – FULLY BOOKED
13 August
4Open Morning – FULLY BOOKEDFriday
11 October
4Talk and Tour with the Principal – FULLY BOOKEDWednesday
13 November
4Open Morning Friday
29 November

What To Expect

Open Mornings

Our Open Mornings are held each term and take place on various weekdays at 9.15am.

During our Open Mornings, families have the opportunity to meet our Principal, members of our Leadership Team, specialist staff and our students. A vibrant student-led tour of the College will follow the Principal’s Address and the group will gather together at the end for questions and conversation.

Open Day

Our Open Day is held once a year in March. During this event families have the opportunity to attend one of two sessions at specified times.

Each session will begin with a Principal’s Address, followed by a College tour. This student-led tour will give families a glimpse of what is on offer at the College. Each session will conclude with each tour group ending in the Information Centre, where staff representing each area of the College will be available for consultation and questions.

Talk and Tours with the Principal

This is your families opportunity to join College Principal, Ms Nicole Mangelsdorf on a personal guided tour of the College at 4.00pm.

This may be a families first time visiting the College or often, it’s the perfect opportunity to see the College again and follow up any questions you may have directly with Nicole.

As these tours are personalised, numbers are strictly limited and kept to a minimum.

Online Tour

Our Online Tour has been designed to provide families with a brief snapshot of the diverse facilities and learning spaces at our College. This is a great opportunity to see what we offer before attending the College in person.

Prospectus Pack

Our Prospectus Pack is a comprehensive document that outlines many aspects of the College including curriculum, co-curricular programs and much more. We encourage all prospective families to request a pack, which will be delivered to you instantly.