Year 12 Retreat
Last term, our Class of 2024 participated in their much-awaited Year 12 Retreat. Set amidst the rural surrounds of Rutherford Park in Blampied, the location provided the perfect setting for the students to gather, discuss, reflect, share and wonder. Day 1 focused on Hope and Justice and saw the group immersing themselves in a Social Justice activity which sparked important conversations, followed by a fashion parade where they unleashed their creativity. Day 2 focused on Hospitality, Courage and Compassion, where a Liturgy celebrated that evening was prepared with the group decorating the space with beautiful greenery and Kildare crosses they had made earlier. Another enriching moment was the ‘letting go’ activity, where reflections of the past were symbolically released fostering a renewed sense of energy and focus on the present. Day 3 centred around Wonder, as students embraced the beauty around them. Letters to self were written and memories were captured on film. Year 12 student, Megan M describes the Retreat as having been on ‘a transformative journey – a space where connections flourished and souls were nourished.’ We thank our dedicated Retreat Team, led by Tony Dalton, Bill Fitzsimons and Sue Dempster, for preparing such an inspirational experience and fostering meaningful connections as the cohort prepares for their important year ahead.