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Toilet Warrior – Mark Balla

During a recent Pastoral Period for Year 10 and 11 students, we had the privilege of hosting Mark Balla, the ‘Toilet Warrior’ and the visionary behind ‘Operation Toilets’. Mark’s presentation covered the impact that something as seemingly basic as access to a toilet can have on people worldwide, particularly young girls attending school. Mark is a distinguished public speaker, renowned for his dedication to humanitarian causes, both within Australia and on the global stage. He is deeply passionate about enhancing life opportunities for girls and women in less developed nations. Reflecting on Mark’s presentation, Year 10 student Phoebe O, shared her insights, “Mark spoke of his personal journey in the toilet industry and how he helped to bring clean toilets and toilet stalls to schools in third world countries. His personal journey, from the corporate world to a passionate advocate for improved sanitation, showcased the potential for individual impact. Through narratives and photographic elements, he showed us a global crisis that often goes unnoticed. Mark’s story reminds us that even small steps can make a world of difference.” If you would like to hear more of Mark’s story and mission, his TEDx talk at offers a remarkable insight into an issue that many of us may never have considered before.