Theatre Making with Dean Drieberg
Recently, three lucky students, Co-Captains, Rachel Jones and Sienna Koop and Performing Arts: Theatre Leader, Andeana C, participated in the Arts Centre Melbourne workshop, ‘Theatre Making with Dean Drieberg’. Dean, an in-demand creative is currently directing hit production, ‘Hamilton’. The students had the opportunity to work alongside Dean and explored a variety of topics that presented the enormity of work that goes into creating theatre. The workshop covered ‘identity’ and how this can influence the creative process of an actor and where creative inspiration is drawn from. They were then tasked to create a short play based on three paintings, ‘Mona Lisa’, ‘The Scream’ and ‘The Apple Man’ and whilst they found this challenging, they reflected on how it ‘”helped them to step outside the box in terms of their creative skills”. On the day, they were fortunate to tour the new gallery that is soon to open at the Arts Centre, featuring a variety of costumes and pieces from past shows including ‘My Fair Lady’. Thank you to Ms Kara-Lee Rabbetts for organising the experience.