The Short Story Society
In 2022, ‘The Short Story Society’ was initiated by Mr Julian Lee – Holman (St Bede’s College and past Kilbreda staff member) in conjunction with Ms Nicole Everett and Ms Felicity O’Malley, for students and staff from both Kilbreda and St Bede’s College
to meet and share their love of literature. The aim of the society is to give members a chance to read a fantastic selection of short stories from a range of genres and periods and to discover not only exciting writers, but to then talk about literature with like-minded people. It provides students the opportunity to nurture an interest in VCE Literature, explore their analytical voice and it enables them to hear a wider range of perspectives than they do in their current female/male educational environments. Students In Years 10 to 12 are given a story with some background reading beforehand, then the group meets, asks questions and shares meaningful discussions. What has been really rewarding for students, and staff, is how this exchange of ideas allows for deeper reading, where the layers are peeled back to find meaning. The group meets fortnightly and alternate between both Colleges. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this wonderful initiative.