Term 2 College Assembly
Yesterday, we held our Term 2 College Assembly, centered around the value of ‘Hope.’ The assembly provided numerous moments to share insights and lessons from the recent European Study Tour and KEM Indigenous Immersion, promote Reconciliation Week and highlight initiatives from the student-led Environmental Action group. We also celebrated excellence through the House Sport Carnival and Duke of Edinburgh awards and enjoyed musical performances by students, including a solo performance and a rendition of a Nirvana classic from our rock band. In the Principal’s Address, Nicole emphasised the importance of having hope: “Hope is an essential part of the human spirit. There is always the possibility of a brighter future.” However, as our students illustrated throughout the assembly with their reflections and initiatives, that action must accompany hope. “Hope is not a passive state of mind; it requires action.” After the various presentations we left inspired to make a difference, whether by participating in Laudato Si’ Week, which we are celebrating this week, or by preparing to take action during the upcoming Reconciliation Week.