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Reconciliation Week Liturgy

Today, we gathered for our Reconciliation Week Liturgy. Our students showed great respect as their peers led a moving Liturgy dedicated to honoring Elders who continue to advocate for Reconciliation through voice, treaty and truth-telling. A particularly significant moment during the Liturgy was the ‘Dadirri’ video reflection, which means deep listening, still awareness and tuning in. Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr’s words resonated deeply, “The time for rebirth is now. If our culture is alive and strong and respected, it will grow, it will not die and our spirit will not die.” As a College community, we will continue to walk alongside them on the journey of healing to create a just and equitable future.

Creator God,

Give us courage to speak out against injustice and to right the wrongs of the past as we seek to build right relationships with one another. Allow us to continue to build a future of equality and peace for all First Nations people. To remember the stories and all those who have gone before us as we walk together in a spirit of true reconciliation, respect and love.
