

Year 7

The Class of 2029 are starting to hit their straps in many respects and most students have fallen into a routine now. It is wonderful to see and the general vibe of the year group is sensational! Many students are making positive contributions to the College and living the Kilbreda motto of Strength and Kindliness, even when they are unaware that anyone is observing.


This week, the Year 7 students are completing their NAPLAN tests. Whilst we understand there are varying opinions regarding the efficacy and benefits of NAPLAN, most schools like Kilbreda use the valuable data to improve teaching and learning strategies for students.

It is important that students do understand that this test does not assess all of what makes each of them exceptional and unique. Assessors do not know that some of your children love to perform. Perhaps they sing and dance gracefully. Maybe they are budding artists or can teach others how to use a computer program. Assessors have not seen that they can speak confidently to a large group. They do not know that their friends rely on them, particularly when they are upset or hurt. They do not know that they may be keen sportswomen or help their parents daily to care for younger siblings or cousins. They do not know that our children are caring, thoughtful and that every day they try their best. These important attributes cannot be tested.

The scores from this test will only indicate how they did on a particular day. They will not tell you everything about your child. They do not highlight how they have improved in something they once found difficult. Remember there is no one way to ‘test’ all the wonderful things that make your children amazingly special to you.

Year 7 Camp

With the Year 7 Camp just around the corner the students have been given some final reminders during our pastoral session this week. The Year 7 Team are very much looking forward to the experience and seeing the cohort challenged early in their tenure, as well as being provided with lots of opportunities for some wins and personal growth.

Please ensure that you refer to the Year 7 Camp Equipment List that was emailed out to families. Happy packing and please ensure all clothing, drink bottles and personal items are clearly labelled. Any lost property cannot be returned to its owner unless it is clearly labelled.

Have a wonderful weekend and Easter break and please don’t hesitate to contact Homeroom teachers or myself if you have any questions or concerns moving forward.

Leah Cristiano
Level Leader: Year 7