

Year 12

The Atrium was abuzz with excitement with the early arrival of the Year 12 hoodies. An early morning gathering allowed everyone to collect their precious package and begin to wear them with pride. The weather also was kind to us; rain and wind, meant that we celebrated being able to wear them even earlier than we usually would! It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces amid the busy time our Year 12 students are having.

My observation over many years of teaching is that during this time of the year, motivation sags most profoundly, and energy and focus go missing. There are many assessments still to be done; applications for universities or TAFEs to be considered and decisions about what the students’ plans are post- secondary school. At times, it can all seem overwhelming. However, if we can really focus on what we want to achieve and utilise the supports in place at the College, then we can stay on track.

Mrs Laura Lunardi, Careers Coordinator, has presented to the students several times explaining the processes for VTAC enrolments and applications and also, the criteria for a SEAS application. Now is the time for them to attend Open Days and ask as many questions as possible, to enable them to make the best choices moving forward.

Our Class of 2022 should celebrate all that has been achieved so far and work towards making the rest of the year positive and productive. We are looking forward to being able to celebrate Brigidine Day onsite for the first time since 2019 and want to make it the best one ever!

The remainder of the school year will pass quickly, and at times, it may seem that navigating the GAT, practice exams and final assessments is overwhelming. Our students need to take time and reset. Seek support from teachers and other members of staff. Now is the time to think about what they want to achieve and plan out how to achieve it. Keep calm, refocus and set small goals and celebrate how far everyone has come.

Sue Dempster
Level Leader: Year 12