

Year 11

We are now at the half way mark for Term 3 and this is the time that the students need to refocus with their studies. We have spoken about having a balance between school work, sporting and social activities and part-time work.

It is important that students have a study plan. It is suggested that all students keep two to three hours per night aside for study and completion of tasks. This is for consolidation of information, which is so important for deep learning. The Library is open every afternoon for support and a quiet working space so we encourage students to utilise this excellent resource. Using this time every afternoon creates a routine, which is so important when trying to maintain a balance.

2024 College Co-Captain Applicants

This week, I had the pleasure of listening to 11 speeches given by the students who have applied to be a College Co-Captain in 2024. Over the years, I have listened to many of these, and this year, the students captured the true essence of what a leader is. It is more than a badge or a position, rather it is knowing that for the group to succeed all components of the chain must work together.

It is being aware of the talents of others and utilising them. It is being disciplined and always trying your best. It is doing the right thing even when those around you are not. It is supporting others to achieve their best. It is seeking out those who are quiet and solitary and making a connection. This is the true strength of this year level. The process of selecting the Co Captains and other Student Leaders continues through the term and I am excited with the prospect of the team who will lead the students in 2024.

Sue Dempster
Level Leader: Year 11