

Year 10

The Year 10 cohort have begun the 2023 school year in a confident and positive way. It has been my pleasure to meet our Year 10 students and observe how diligent, respectful and dedicated they are to their studies and themselves. There is such a warm, kind and compassionate atmosphere amongst the students and the Year 10 Homeroom Teachers. I am looking forward to working with your child in the year ahead.

To begin our year positively, the Year 10 students were provided research and knowledge in their first Pastoral lesson about the concept of Neuroscience. ‘The scientific study of the way in which our brains are wired and how this can contribute to us developing a ‘growth-mindset’.

The neurons in our brain can grow in strength depending on how we use them and send signals. This is called Synaptic Plasticity and science has discovered that this Synaptic Plasticity is essential for learning. Science has also discovered the impact our environment and social context has on our Synaptic Plasticity (ability to grow and learn). By learning how our brain sends messages and forms neural connections, this allows us to better understand ourselves, the impact our environment has on us and ways in which we can create meaningful and positive changes in our lives to assist our brain plasticity for learning.

Students were asked to reflect and begin to think about how they can continue (or begin) to make positive changes to create Synaptic Plasticity.

Examples include:

  • Be aware of how you are feeling both physically and mentally 
  • If you feel bad, seek support and help, this may be talking to a mental health practitioner/professional
  • Seek help from a trusted person, which may be a friend or family member
  • Make positive changes. Track your sleep and get 8 to 10 hours a night, maintain a nutritious diet, prioritise one hour of exercise a day 
  • Create positive routines at home. Use a diary, prepare a study schedule, make sure you take time to REST and RECHARGE!
  • Continue to do research yourselves regarding what strategies/coping mechanisms help you feel your best self!

Below are videos that students were shown

Class Captains

Finally, a huge congratulations to our Year 10 Class Captains for 2023:

10/24Grace Cronin and Alessia Mastrocola
10/24aGigi Williams and Lucinda McLachlan
10/33Maya Johnstone and Olivia Murphy
10/34Georgia Flloyd and Zoe Fitzgerald
10/35Jasmine Perry and Elliana Rodrigues
10/36Amelia Presnell and Alana Tomaskovic 

Jessica Baddeley
Level Leader: Year 10