

Wellbeing and Engagement

Courage – Our College Theme

Our College theme of Courage instills in students that Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the ability to face it head-on with bravery, determination and resilience and to take bold steps towards growth and self-discovery. 

Triple E Week

This week, Triple E Week for our Year 8 students has been a tremendous success, filled with thrilling adventures and enriching experiences. As students returned from their camp at Valley Homestead, they were warmly greeted by parents and staff, sparking conversations that reflected a wide spectrum of emotions. The conversations ranged from bubbly and excited to feelings of exhaustion and everywhere in between. The ‘Free Fall Drop Slide’, in particular, evoked a range of feelings among students, from initial fear to a sense of accomplishment and happiness. This week truly showcased the courage and bravery of our Year 8 students as they embraced new experiences with enthusiasm. Thank you to Level Leader: Year 8, Mr Bill Fitzsimons, for his fine leadership of the camp and to the Year 8 Homeroom teachers for their support of all students.

Reconciliation Week

Reconciliation Week is a time to recognise the courage displayed by individuals and communities as they engage in the process of healing and understanding, to build relationships across cultures and to work towards unity as a nation. Thank you to Ms Carole Downie for her efforts  in preparing a Liturgy that involved so many of our students.

Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen. Brene Brown

Semester 1 Exams

As we approach the exam period for our Years 9 to 11 students, we are mindful of the challenges that preparing for exams can bring. We encourage students to prioritise their wellbeing during the exam period by following these guidelines;:

  1. Ensure you are getting enough sleep
  2. Maintain your current level of physical activity as it increases energy levels and reduces stress
  3. Ensure you are eating a well-balanced diet to fuel the brain
  4. Take regular breaks to avoid burnout
  5. Stay hydrated. Drink enough water throughout the day to support brain function
  6. Continue to remain engaged in the activities that are relaxing such as sport, music, dance, reading and your favorite hobby

Exams are one part of the academic journey.  Do your best and enjoy learning, growing and maintaining a healthy perspective on success.

Student Leadership Update

Student voice and participation are integral to Student Leadership at the College. We are committed to providing opportunities to grow tomorrow’s leaders today. We commend the students who showed courage and commitment to put themselves forward for leadership positions. We congratulate the following students who were successful in their application. 

Be the kind of leader you would want to follow. Brian Tracy

Student Representative Council
Year 7 – Neve Hoult and Keira Blackmore
Year 8 – Madeline Gill, Matilda Harrison and Harper Sanders
Year 9 – Isla Busuttil and Rhiannan Marie-Jeanne
Year 10 – Grace Cronin and Alyce Jurdukian
Year 11 – Alice Noble, Bianca Terry and Aline Boyadjian

Living Justice
Year 7 – Sienna Baker, Georgia Athanasiadis and Lana Zahopoulos
Year 8 – Amelie Baker, Sophie Chapman and Grace Fry
Year 9 – Freya Jomon and Blainee Sanford
Year 10 – Zoe Fitzgerald and Charlotte Hay
Year 11 –  Lola Martin and Bridgette Veneris

Health and Wellbeing
Year 7 – Erin Fredericks and Amy Chapman
Year 8 – Pratima Thomas, Ashleigh Siebel and Alice Davies
Year 9 – Zoe Lee and Abbey Tomlinson
Year 10 – Lucy Beatie and Grace Robins
Year 11 – Brooke Corcoran and Mia Espinoza

Community Action
Year 7 – Celeste Healy and Charlotte Kandasamy
Year 8 – Zara Solomon, Emily Gamble and Emma Greaney
Year 9 – Lily Mealor and Indira Alappatt
Year 10 – Maya Johnstone and Amelia Presnell
Year 11 – Gabrielle Smyth and Nyrie Bedikian

Year 7 – Luciana Avila, Kara Gurung, Jara Merrick and Chloe Ward
Year 8 – Olive Davies, Georgia Bell, Sienna Mastrocola, Rosana Smyth and Dana Issa
Year 9 – Ella Kerambrun and Leila Timms
Year 10 – Alessia Mastrocola and Charlotte Maclean

In addressing the leadership group we challenged them to consider some key messages from leaders in different fields.

The more I help out, the more successful I become. Adam Grant
The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example. John Wooden

We welcome the diverse talents of this group as they lead and support the wide array of initiatives, events and activities within the College.


In our ever-changing world, it is important to empower students with the courage needed to navigate challenges. In this newsletter article we would like to explore the increasing prevalence of vaping.

In a recent speech the Federal Health Minister referred to vaping as “the number one behavioural issue in high schools” and announced new changes to laws to address the growing health issue. These changes include:

  • Outlawing the importation of non-prescription vapes;
  • Banning all single-use, disposable vapes;
  • Require plain, pharmaceutical-like packaging for vapes;
  • Restrict flavours, colours and other ingredients to “increase the minimum quality standards” for vapes
  • Reduce the amount and concentration of nicotine allowed in vapes

The Federal Government has also made a commitment to work with states and territories to close down the sale of vapes in retail settings.

As a school, we are committed to educate and inform our student population of health issues related to vaping. Like many schools, Kilbreda College has installed vape detectors in areas such as toilets/bathrooms. Our toilets are spaces where all students should feel safe. The detectors, along with associated technology, will help to identify those who use e-cigarettes. We provide guidance and support to assist the students and their families to address the addiction.

As we welcome winter, signaling half way through the academic year we acknowledge the efforts in academic, co curricular and social endeavours by our student body.  We wish them well for the remainder of the term as we challenge them to continue to show courage in all that they do.

Jane Delahunty and Sue Grima
Acting Assistant Principals: Wellbeing and Engagement