

Wellbeing and Engagement

The first week back of the school term is always filled with lively chatter and cheerful greetings amongst our community members. This week was no exception and despite the chilly Melbourne weather, there was a great deal of joy, warmth and kindness as students seized the opportunity to reconnect with each other. 

In the coming weeks, we can look forward to several wonderful college community events, namely the College production of Legally Blonde: The Musical, the Pathways Expo, the Vinnies Winter Sleepout and a range of co-curricular competitions. Michelle Obama once expressed that “the difference between a broken community and a thriving one is the presence of women who are valued.”  At our College, people are valued. Whether it is the students, the staff, or the many parents and those contributing in ways small or large, together we form a strong and vibrant community.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

It was an absolute joy to witness the incredible talent, dedication and creativity displayed by our students and that of St Bede’s College and Mentone Girls Grammar School, who were involved in the production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The vibrant cast transported the audience to a magical midsummer forest where real and fairy worlds collided. Their performances were filled with passion, emotion and an undeniable love for the Performing Arts. 

We congratulate all students involved from our College including Hannah Schofield, Amelie Baker, Matilda De Jong, Emma Greaney, Elizabeth Martin and Niamh Troy for their show stopping performances.

Finding Courage

Courage is a core value at our College and it refers to demonstrating strength in the face of adversity and standing strong for what is right. As parents, we encourage our children to be brave – from when they are young children starting primary school, through to navigating the many challenges of adolescence.  However, courage can be a difficult concept for young people to grasp – not the least because ‘standing strong’ on the outside does not necessarily mean we feel strong on the inside.

For our Year 11 students who embarked on the recent Northern Territory Immersion, climbing Kings Canyon took commitment, courage and above all else, teamwork. Our Year 10 Future’s Week program also highlighted the importance of being courageous, with students empowered to find their voices, to go beyond their comfort zones and what is easy and familiar, to take risks, be themselves and most importantly, enjoy! 

Finding courage is a key theme for this term. Through a range of curricular and co-curricular activities, students will be encouraged to keep going when challenged, to be hopeful and confident with one’s decision, to move beyond their friendship groups and generate positive change.

We encourage parents to reinforce the importance of finding courage in the home environment by:

  • Talking to your child about the co-existence of courage and fear and the value of being brave.
  • Encourage your child to step outside their comfort zone – it can be easier, safer and less anxiety-provoking to ‘play it safe’, but being brave can also be so rewarding and can allow for growth.

Child Safety

On 1 July 2022, Ministerial Order 1359 was implemented in all Victorian Schools. This order involved the introduction of 11 new Child Safe Standards and was developed to provide guidance to school governing authorities in relation to how to reduce or eliminate the risk of child abuse occurring. The key changes to the previous Child Safe Standards include:

  • Involving families and communities in organisations’ efforts to keep children and young people safe;
  • A greater focus on safety for Aboriginal children and young people; and
  • To manage the risk of child abuse in online environments.

The College is committed to ensuring the safety of all students in our care. Thus, over the course of this year a key priority has been on educating our students on these standards, including how to keep themselves safe in online environments or support services available within the College and the local community that are available to help should the need arise.

The Kilbreda staff and I look forward to another happy and full term of quality teaching and learning and working in partnership with our parent community, to help our students to be their best self.

Stephanie Smyth
Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement