

Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM)

Our VCE VM students commenced the school year with a growing sense of confidence and a good deal of enthusiasm. Our College theme this year is Courage. Showing courage can be challenging – brave people often do not feel brave inside. Our audacious students are navigating the school, TAFE and workplace environments. This requires them to show initiative, effective organisation and problem-solving skills, flexibility and resilience. The students are encouraged to make the most of the varied opportunities offered at the College and continue to develop their personal and collective efficacy.

During the year, we will work together to stand up for what we know is right, even when we feel afraid and others do not stand with us. The students will be involved in community partnerships that will challenge them to see things from different perspectives. Becoming curious about the world around us and participating in new and diverse experiences, help to develop our awareness and empathy.

I encourage the students to be kind to themselves in their quest for personal growth and development. There will be ups and downs along the way; however, these are a normal part of the human experience. We will enjoy the ups and celebrate the wins. We will accept the downs and endeavour to use these times to gain a greater understanding of ourselves and others.

VCE VM Leaders

Congratulations to Gemma Hubeek and Jade Kinghorn who were elected VCE VM Leaders. Both students are strong and kind. They display impressive leadership qualities and will ensure our learning environment is inclusive and dynamic. Additionally, they will be enthusiastic promoters of the cocurricular activities at the college.

Yarrabah Community Partnership

On 23 February, the VCE VM Year 12 students commenced their community partnership with Yarrabah School. Principal, Nicole Mangelsdorf, officially welcomed the students and staff from Yarrabah. This highly valued partnership is in its third year.

The students will collaborate to create portfolios that reflect their interests, passions and stories. 

During the first session, the room was abuzz with positive chatter and many ideas were discussed. Our collective connection is important and enables us to grow personally and learn about others. 

We look forward to many exciting sessions throughout 2023.

Jennifer Gamble
Learning Leader: Applied Learning

Enrichment Day Program

The VCE VM Enrichment Day program for 2023 commenced very early in the new school year. The first part of the program saw the Year 11 VCE VM students participate in a Rock-Climbing Challenge. The session was designed to provide an afternoon of fun and adventure and to help students explore new challenges and interests.

The session at a Rock-Climbing Centre gave the students the chance to challenge themselves physically and mentally, to develop their teamwork skills, and perhaps, discover a new passion. They were strongly encouraged to participate and to make the most of the opportunity.

The students were also asked to think about the challenge of climbing as a metaphor for the challenge of their final years of schooling.

This term also sees the launch of a brand-new exciting community partnership project that will be known as ‘The Three C’s Project’.  The three C’s stand for Connection, Conversations and Catch-Ups.

This project will see our VCE VM students visit a local aged-care facility to meet with the residents and engage in a variety of activities which encourage connectedness with others. Our students will endeavour to create relationships and enhance their communication skills while enriching the lives of others.

One’s got a lived experience and the other is going through a journey for themselves, so having someone who has gone through what they’re going through allows them to ask questions on ways to get through what they’re going through. Ali Faraj (“Old People’s Home for Teenagers” ABCTV) – Adolescent Expert

Ruth Myers
Community Partnerships Coordinator