

Religious Education

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools reminds us that Religious Education is all about opportunities for learners. Students of Religious Education bring their diverse experiences, contexts and narratives to the classroom, and these are to be celebrated. Religious Education should not only be about understanding and making meaning, but also about building knowledge of how we engage both with our own traditions and the traditions of others.

Our Year 7 students have opened their year with creating a sense of belonging to the Kilbreda College community and learning about the school, our patroness and the story of the Brigidines. At other year levels, there have been learnings about different literary forms in Scriptures, creating links between the Passover of the Jewish faith and the Christian story of The Eucharist and engaging in the history, geography and politics of the time of Jesus.

In Unit 2 of Religion and Society, the Year 11 students have developed a deeper sense of ethics, morality and decision-making, while the school-based Year 12 course has focused on Kildare values and Project Compassion. We are also lucky to have the Unit 3 and 4 Texts and Traditions course running this year, which allows students to develop a deeper sense of how religious traditions are linked to written texts, and develops skills of analysis, critical thinking and interpretation.

The Religious Education teaching team work together to provide positive experiences for all students, offering their expertise to all students.

Jane Watkins
Learning Leader: Religious Education