

Religious Education

Year 11 Retreat Day

Friday 25 August

Next week, Friday 25 August, all Year 11 students will participate in a retreat day that has been designed to support and nurture their spiritual development and connection. Participating in a retreat provides a focused period of time in which to step away from the daily routines and surroundings to engage in activities that promote spiritual growth, self-reflection and inner transformation.

The Year 11 Retreat has been designed around the three overarching themes of the Kildare Ministries Living Justice Living Peace Charter:

  • Learning with Wonder
    • Students will spend time engaging in reflection and the powerful opportunities of prayer and meditation
  • Living with Compassion
    • Students will explore the life-giving recounts of the ministries of Jesus and how he lived with compassion in his encounters with all
  • Leading with Courage
    • Students will deepen their understanding of leadership and the practical ways in which they can live the College value of compassion as they lead into the future with Strength and Kindliness

We are looking forward to a day of fellowship and community building as we spend time together strengthening connections and reflecting on our place in the world.

Jane Ward
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching