

Principal’s Report

September signifies the commencement of Spring and the anticipated return to warmer weather, seasonal new life and colour. It is also the start of the Season of Creation which begins with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on September 1, and ends October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology. This year’s theme is Listen to the Voice of Creation, encouraging us to listed to all of the voices of creation and in particular, those who are silenced. The Season of Creation website provides a variety of readings, videos and other resources for those who would like to learn more.

The first Sunday in September also recognises fathers, carers and special men who make a difference in the lives of others. We can never underestimate the impact that men have in the lives of young people. Research has shown that positive male involvement in their children’s learning is associated with better educational, social and emotional outcomes for children, including better school attendance, academic results and behaviour, higher quality of later relationships and better mental health. These associations are independent of and additional to those related to the involvement of mothers and significant women.  We look forward to celebrating fathers and father figures in our lives at the College tomorrow morning with our annual Father’s Day Breakfast.

Earlier this week, I had the privilege to listen to our Year 12 VCAL students as they presented their Individual Projects together with sharing some of their key learnings and their aspirations beyond Year 12 at our VCAL Showcase Evening. Every student presented so confidently and thoughtfully to the audience gathered which consisted of staff, parents, family members and friends. We were all exceptionally proud of them!  It was wonderful to hear each student share a little about their secondary school journey including both the challenges and achievements.  Their Individual Project topics were wide ranging and reflective of their varied areas of interest. It was also wonderful to see the camaraderie and support for one another amongst the group. Congratulations to all involved students and staff, on what was a brilliant showcase of the learning and growth of our Year 12 VCAL students. We look forward to seeing what the girls go on to do and achieve once they graduate!

Celebrating our Learning Diversity team

This week is Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week and we are extremely fortunate at Kilbreda College to have a talented and dedicated Learning Diversity team who support students across Year 7 to 12 with their particular learning needs. This team is an important part of supporting both the wellbeing and learning of our students and we thank them for the wonderful work they do!

A prayer for the Season of Creation inspired by the papal encyclical ‘Laudato Si’

Living God,
have mercy on us,
for the times we forget
that we belong to each other.
You call us to be still,
to hear the whisper of our Sister Wind,
to feel the radiance of our Brother Sun,
and to be nourished by our Mother Earth.
Renew us in your healing love.
Inspire us to water the earth,
and nurture one another,
so all may flourish.
Together, as one family,
may we always sing your praise.
Through Christ our Lord,
Rachel McCarthy/CAFOD

Nicole Mangelsdorf