

Principal’s Report

As we approach the final fortnight of the school year, anticipation builds for a series of exciting College events. Among them are the much-anticipated Christmas Concert, College Assembly, and a culminating celebration of the Eucharist, providing students with memorable moments to cap off the academic year. Another highlight, on 12 December, will be our annual Celebration of Achievement Evening, where we will recognize the top 5% academic achievers from Year 7 to 11. This year we will also announce and present the annual College Awards for Year 7 to 11 on the evening, and we are thrilled to have Dr Moira Junge (Class of 1987), a distinguished Past Pupil of Distinction Nominee, as our keynote speaker.

The College theme for 2023 has been Courage – Speaking and acting with integrity which is one of our core values as a Kildare Ministries school in the Brigidine tradition.  I commend those students who have lived this core value throughout the year, treating all others with respect, speaking out against injustice, and advocating for the marginalised or vulnerable members of our community. 

I would like to acknowledge and thank all members of staff for their commitment and dedication to providing the very best learning opportunities and environment to the students entrusted into our care through their work this year. The students of Kilbreda are very blessed to have such wonderful teachers and support staff to guide them through their secondary school journey.

As we conclude another year, we have so much to be proud of and grateful for both as individuals and as a College community. Gratitude fills our hearts for the privilege of education and employment, acknowledging that this privilege is not universal. We give thanks for the opportunities to learn, grow spiritually, connect with others, and celebrate together.

To those departing Kilbreda, may our College motto of ‘Strength and Kindliness’ accompany you along with cherished memories. To our departing staff, we extend our sincere thanks for your valuable contributions and commitment to Kilbreda and wish you well in your future endeavours.

As our school year quickly draws to a close, so too does our liturgical year.  Advent, which commences on Sunday 3 December, marks the start of the liturgical year in our Catholic faith tradition. Advent, derived from the Latin word “adventus,” symbolizes the four-week period of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth at Christmas.

Advent is a sacred time prompting reflection on the true meaning of Christmas, encouraging preparation for the coming of Christ, and embracing the virtues of hope, peace, joy, and love. Through prayer, liturgy, and acts of kindness, Catholics aim to draw closer to God and embody the Christmas message in their daily lives.

This Advent season, we invite you to participate in the Vinnies Christmas Hamper Appeal, detailed in the Living Justice report in this newsletter. Your contributions will bring kindness and joy to those in need.

As we begin this new Advent season, let us pray for the gift of Jesus and the Spirit, fostering calm and peace in our hearts. May we recognize, welcome, and reach out to the vulnerable and lonely within our communities, ensuring that the season of Christmas is a source of warmth and companionship for all.

May the blessing of joy abide within you.
May the blessing of peace rest upon you.
May the blessing of love flow out through you.
May all the blessings of the Lord be yours at Christmas and in the New Year.


We Pray For

We ask for your prayers for members of our community and their families who have recently lost loved ones:

Barry ‘John’ Adam
Father of Meegan Stevens (Staff) and
Grandfather of Emma Stevens (Year 11)

We pray that our loving God hold him gently in the palm of His hand.

Nicole Mangelsdorf