

Principal’s Report

On Saturday 6 May, I had the pleasure of joining over 120 people gathered for our biennial Past Pupils of Distinction Dinner. At this event we celebrated and recognised the service and commitment of previous Kilbreda College students who have made valuable contributions to the wider community, at a local, national or international level.

At our College Assembly this week, I shared the stories of our four inductees for 2023, Fiona McCormack AM, Vikki Petraitis, Daniela Ruberto and Sr Angela Ryan csb OAM.  Their stories can be found on the College website.

In speaking about these women, I highlighted to current students that they too were once Kilbreda students just like they are today. Here is part of my address to them:

“Like yourselves they walked these grounds, sat in many of your classrooms, participated in the co-curricular programs and gathered in this hall for assemblies and mass just as you do.  They too will have listened to senior students and past pupils at different times share their experience and achievements and dreamt about their own future and what they hoped to achieve.

Like you, these women had their favourite subjects, their own individual talents, interests and abilities, and as a result, went on to choose a career pathway that represented their values and aspirations.

These women have journeyed through their academic lives succeeding in living our values as Kilbreda students, going on to further education, and throughout that time have evolved an amazing spirit of compassion and justice, following their own calling and passion. 

Most importantly, what was extremely evident on this evening was that these women had all continued to live the Kilbreda motto of Strength and Kindliness.  In true Brigidine spirit they have courageously and compassionately responded to the needs of people within our wider community through their work.

As you follow your path beyond the gates of Kilbreda you too will have the opportunity to respond to the needs of others and our community.  You too could be recognised in the years ahead as a Past Pupil of Distinction because of the positive difference you have made.

I hope that you are truly inspired by these and other Kilbreda women that have gone before you and used their values, drive and passion to make heartfelt and significant difference in the world. 

Their achievements may feel too big, and even unobtainable for you, but remember, they will have felt like that too at times on their journey. 

Your journey will be different, but can be just as inspiring, you just need to have the desire, the courage and the belief, that you too can make a difference in this world.”

I hope that our current students are truly inspired, not only by what these four past pupils have achieved, but also by the stories of other past pupils who have courageously and compassionately responded to the needs of others and our community.  As Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop stated during her life, we should “never see a need without trying to do something about it”.

Next Sunday, 28 May is Pentecost Sunday , which is observed on the seventh Sunday after Easter. Pentecost celebrates the blessing of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, as mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles.

A prayer for Pentecost

We pray for Pope Francis and all bishops and priests of our Church. May the Holy Spirit inspire them to speak in language that reaches the hearts of their people.

We pray for the world’s leaders at all levels. May they be filled with the spirit of goodwill and become a true united witness, giving hope to all people.

We pray for our own faith community. May we each recognise the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to us, and may we use them for our good and the betterment of others.

We pray for the sick within our community and for all who have asked for our prayers.

We pray for those who have died recently and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they be raised in the Spirit of Jesus to share eternal life through him.


Nicole Mangelsdorf