

Principal’s Report

International Women’s Day is a day that celebrates the significant achievements of women around the world, but it is also a call to action. While much progress has been made in narrowing the gender gap, gender inequality remains an important issue both here in Australia and around the world.

The United Nations theme for International Women’s Day is ‘Cracking the Code:  Innovation for a gender-equal future.’ This theme highlights the role that bold, transformative ideas, inclusive technologies, and accessible education can play in combatting discrimination and the marginalisation of women globally.  As part of our International Women’s Day breakfast, Hayley Meure our Year 12 STEM leader spoke about innovation being a key driver of change and the importance of embracing new technologies and championing the unique skills and knowledge of women in a range of fields. Hayley shared personal insights about her passion for physics and mathematics and she encouraged everyone to support girls in pursuing subjects and careers of interest to them. Amelia Presnell of Year 10 celebrated the inspirational women who have transformed lives and created pathways for others through their courage and commitment to ensuring equal access to education for women and girls such as Malala Yousafzai and Michelle Obama.

Each of us will call to mind stories of women we know or have known who, in their own ways, have challenged stereotypes, have broken through boundaries that have constrained them and have achieved recognition and equality. These struggles, be they public or hidden, have demanded much of each woman and often those with whom they are connected. Walking in the footsteps of these women, each of us has responsibility to continue their work wherever we find ourselves. Statistics from the UN Women Australia highlight that there is much to be done to close the digital divide that keeps so many women offline and away from new opportunities. For example, today worldwide some 327 million fewer women than men have a smartphone and can access mobile Internet and globally, women hold only 2 in every 10 science, engineering and information and communication technology jobs.

At Kilbreda we are committed to promoting, encouraging, and supporting our students to pursue STEM based careers by offering a broad and contemporary curriculum across the areas of Science, Technology and Mathematics and offering numerous programs and competitions for our students to participate in outside the curriculum. It has been fantastic to see an increased focus on Girls/Women in STEM programs offered to schools in the last 18 months or so, the high level of interest among our students to participate in them and the great success they have had! 

Kilbreda’s history is filled with the enduring legacies of strong, resilient, and independent young women, educated, encouraged, and equipped to step into the world prepared and confident. Our guest speaker at our International Women’s Day breakfast and Past Pupil of Distinction recipient, Laura John exemplifies this.  During her presentation, Laura spoke about the importance of finding something that you love and pursuing one’s dreams.  In Year 12, when asked where she would like to be in 10 years’ time she expressed at the United Nations and just on ten years, that is where Laura found herself as Australia’s Youth Representative at the United Nations.

I would like to acknowledge and thank all of our wonderful students and staff who contributed to our International Women’s Day celebrations.

To conclude, I would like to draw on the very wise words of Dr Jane Goodall, “Every single one of us makes a difference every day, and we have to decide what sort of difference we want to make.”

God whose love and goodness gathers us in. We pray for women all over the world, especially those challenged by poverty and other injustice. Stir us to know women’s dignity. Quieten us to listen to women’s voices. Awaken us to see women’s realities. Strengthen us to stand for women’s rights. And fill us with hope to make a better future for all. We make this prayer through Christ who binds us together in unity and love. Amen

Nicole Mangelsdorf