

Performing Arts


VCE Music Recital

On Tuesday 13 June we held our first VCE Music Recital for the year, where Unit 1 Music and Unit 3 Music Repertoire students performed a set of songs to a small audience. All students did a magnificent job, and it was exciting to witness the development of their skills, especially the Unit 3 students who will soon perform a 20-minute program for their end of year exam.


Hip Hop Workshop

In Year 8 Dance we’ve been fortunate enough to have had a Hip-Hop Workshop with Steph from Street Dance Studios. Across the three sessions we learnt a variety of dance moves, such as high energy moves like ‘every little step’ and ‘bring it on’, as well as grounded moves like, ‘hunch and punch’ and ‘four step’.

Steph taught us the building blocks of hip-hop and that there are lots of variations for one move, like the ‘two step’. In each lesson we learnt a new routine that included the moves we had already learnt that day, along with ones from previous weeks.

In the final session, Steph taught us four counts of eight of a routine and then in groups we created our own hip-hop choreography to add on. I really enjoyed the workshop, as it was a fun experience working with someone different and learning new things. I certainly got a lot out of it.

Zara Soloman
Year 8