

Performance and Development

Professional Practice Reflection and Review

….what teachers know, do and care about is very powerful. Providing opportunities for teachers to learn about teaching practices, share evidence-based methods and to find out what is working and for whom will contribute to developing a culture that will make a difference to student outcomes. Hattie

In our Professional Practice Reflection and Review, staff have been asked to reflect on their impact on student learning and outcomes and develop a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound) goal in relation to this. To create the SMART goal staff are encouraged to discuss and ‘critique’ strategies and the desired impact and measures with colleagues. It is through the dialogue that staff think, evaluate, and adapt their practices to ensure the continuous improvement in student learning and outcomes.

When you have teachers thinking aloud and talking about the decisions they’ve made, they are stunningly brilliant at critiquing each other. Hattie, 2023

Many staff have decided to focus their SMART goals on strategies and the impact in the classroom.  Examples such as analysis of data and areas of focus, enhancing the working memory, optimising cognitive load, enhancing student voice, review strategies, explicit teaching of command terms and embedding thinking strategies have been discussed and critiqued. Later this year staff will have the opportunity to review their practice with a colleague, highlight examples of their strategy and discuss evidence of the desired impact on student learning and outcomes.

Review each lesson in terms of what the student is likely to think about. Willingham, 2021

Data Analysis Team

Data Literacy is the ability to collect, analyze, communicate, and use multiple measures of data to continuously improve all aspects of the learning organisation especially teaching and learning. ‘Data use’ is the ability to transform data into information and then into action to improve all parts of the learning organisation. Victoria L Bernhardt – Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement

Kilbreda College has recently formed a Data Analysis Team.  The goals of the team are to:

  • Develop and lead the College’s approach to collecting and analysing data to drive school improvement.
  • Work with individuals and teams to build data literacy and its use in the continuous improvement of classroom teaching and learning, and College wellbeing programs.

2023 Focus 

In 2023 we are focusing on: 

  • Developing and implementing a data plan which establishes systematic methods for collecting and interpreting evidence to identify excellent practices in learning.
  • Support a high-level understanding of the various data sources available to the College and the way that these can be used for school improvement and student growth.
  • Analyse data sets, identify areas of improvement and areas to focus attention.
  • To work with teaching staff through the Professional Learning Communities to highlight areas of focus.

I am looking forward to working with the team to improve both ‘data literacy’ and ‘data use’ and transform data into information and action that will enhance student learning and outcomes.

Clare Kelly
Assistant Principal: Performance and Development