

Performance and Development

Jesuit Social Services

On Thursday 7 September, Philippa McIlroy and Emily Moore from Jesuit Social Services presented to staff on ‘Building a Just Society’. The Jesuit Social Services priorities are informed by Catholic Social Teaching, the Jesuit heritage and align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Philippa and Emily discussed the reasons why this organisation completes the work they do and explored the following reasons embedded in Catholic Social Teaching:

  • The Common Good
  • Human Dignity
  • Subsidiarity
  • Solidarity

They also highlighted many of the programs that the Jesuit Social Services put into place. Services such as:

  • The Voice – resources that assist with conversations held at home ‘kitchen table conversation’.
  • Ecological Justice Hub
Today we have to realize that a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. Pope Francis: Laudato Si’

The Hub and Garden addresses disadvantage in the community through ecological pathways such as:

  • Permaculture garden – distributing healthy meals using zero waste cooking.
  • Plastic recycling plant

Advocating for a more effective and humane justice system: Worth a Second Chance

  • Respecting the dignity of the person
  • Protecting and promoting their human rights
  • Promoting their participation in society

CAPSA – Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum

  • Founded in 2013 by Jesuit Social Services and Cabrini Health
  • Compassion and advocacy for people seeking asylum.
  • Support individuals, schools, parishes and Catholic organisations across education, health, refugee and social services in their advocacy for fair and humane treatment for people seeking asylum in Australia.

Centre for Just Places

  • Jesuit Social Services’ Centre for Just Places focuses on research, advocacy and action to address place-based inequities and injustice in Australia.

Jesuit Social Services:

  • apply a social and ecological justice lens to understand place-based and systemic challenges.
  • embed self-determination as an informing principle of all our way (Jesuit Social Services agency-wide practice framework)
  • work collaboratively to support local capabilities, co-design solutions and build community resilience.

Staff left the workshop with a greater understanding of the work of the Jesuit Social Services, with many ideas and resources to embed in their curriculum and teaching practice.

We would like to thank Emily Moore and Phillipa McIlroy for their time and very engaging presentation.

Clare Kelly
Assistant Principal: Performance and Development