

Performance and Development

It is with much excitement that I begin my new role at the College – Assistant Principal: Performance and Development. It is my role to lead staff in their endeavour to delve further into their teaching practice and the impact of this on student outcomes. During our staff days at the beginning of the year, I discussed a quote by Ron Ritchhart (Senior Research Associate at Harvard Project Zero):

For classrooms to be cultures of thinking for students, schools must be cultures of thinking for teachers.”

At the College, the staff Professional Learning Communities (that take place on Day 8) reflect the culture of thinking that Ritchhart discusses. This is a time for staff to discuss with their colleagues, strategies that assist our students to achieve their best. Dr Janelle Wills, Director of Professional Learning for Hawker Brownlow Education is facilitating workshops with staff to enhance differentiated teaching practice – a philosophy of and model for effective teaching and learning.

Ruth Myers, Alana Wright and Cara Mitchell are working with staff to explore the 3L Language and Literacy for Learning Program. This is an eight-module course of 20 hours that explores in greater depth how language and literacy is at the heart of teaching and learning, and central to the construction of knowledge and learning.

The ‘culture of thinking’ at the College enables staff to review and analyse data, develop and enhance their practice, to ensure all strive to achieve their best.

Clare Kelly
Assistant Principal: Performance and Development