

Living Justice

Kildare Ministries Immersion

Although it took place over only two days, the Kildare Ministries Immersion was a memorable and inspiring experience for all the students that attended. We were lucky to have guest speakers talk to us surrounding a range of topics, including Judy Ryan, a recipient of an OAM in 2022; Thenu Herath, CEO of Oaktree and more. Focusing on this year’s theme, ‘Courage’, we were given advice on having courage for advocacy and activism and being agents of change as young people.

Whilst talking to other students in our activity groups, we were able to find out some of the great ideas that other schools have been implementing around social justice. We are really hoping to bring some of these ideas to the College, such as a House Colour Run for Caritas and starting the ‘Winter Sleepout’ up again. The Kildare Ministries Immersion was an amazing opportunity to meet other passionate people and inspired the Living Justice Team to get students even more involved for the remainder of 2023.

Lola Martin – Year 11
and Zoe Fitzgerald – Year 10

Project Compassion Easter Raffle

The Auditorium was filled with students on Tuesday during lunchtime for the drawing of the raffle and the student-led concert. It was a wonderful celebration of talent and generosity! There were a number of draws for each year level with 20 hampers on offer! Congratulations to all the winners. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the hampers and bought tickets for the raffle. A final total raised will be published next term.

Palm Sunday Walk for Refugees

Last Sunday a group of 15 staff, students and family members met at the State Library in Melbourne to join other faith, school and community groups in the march for refugees. This year we listened to a number of guest speakers including Dr Monique Ryan MP. We heard of the plight of those still on bridging visas and the heartache and suffering this causes. It was a beautiful day for a walk with people who believed in the rights of others and we made our way towards Parliament and the Parliamentary gardens. Thank you to everyone who supported this rally.

Hot Cross Bun Sale

On Thursday 30 March we held our Hot Cross Bun sale to raise funds for Caritas. Thanks to Hayley S for sourcing the buns and to our leaders, Sienna, Caitlin, Lola and Vali for assisting with the sales. It was a sellout!

Trish Moloney
Living Justice Leader