

Library News

Book Week

This year’s Book Week theme from the Children’s Book Council of Australia was “Dreaming with Eyes Open” which led itself to many whimsical in-house designed posters.

It also led to several pretty good-looking large poster murals courtesy of Ms Saugy (see attached)

Mr Fak provided a wonderful two-day introduction to Dungeons and Dragons. This role-playing game requires great imagination and was very popular. Mr Fak is looking at turning this event into a D&D Club, where students will be continually playing the game with peers. We extended Book Week into a fortnight in order to fit everything in and during the second week the Library provided students with the opportunity and materials to create their own Dream Catcher.

Other activities included book-themed mazes to navigate and a display of newly bought cute serotonin-producing animal books on dogs, cats, horses and more – to induce dreamy states among the viewers! 

We also had a display of books on books, which has prodded me to re-read Helen Hanff’s classic book, “84 Charing Cross Road” which is a beautiful love affair between Helen and an antiquarian bookshop!  Highly recommended. 

Competitions included “Match the eyes to the staff members” and a colour-in of dreamlike mandalas and, of course, the major competition was the Book Week Quiz which was a huge success!  Nine tables of students, one table of teacher and 24 questions. The teachers DID get all of the 24 questions correct, and should have been the winners BUT they had more than the maximum number of members on their team and were therefore disqualified! The Winning team on 23 points came from Year 12, while the runners-up on 22.5 points were from Year 11.  I like that this shows how our students learn more and more the further along their educational path they go!

We look forward to next year’s Book Week with anticipation!

Angus Pearson
Library Coordinator