

Learning and Teaching


NAPLAN test sessions conclude for all Year 7 and Year 9 students tomorrow, Friday 15 March. Catch up sessions will be organised for Friday 22 March for students who were absent from tests. Please note that we are only able to conduct two catch up tests on this day. Reports will be made available to parents later in the year.

It is important to remember that whilst NAPLAN results can give an indication of how a child is progressing in different areas of the curriculum, it does not give a complete picture or represent the worth of any one individual.

Learning Progress Meetings

Parent/Teacher Interviews have been renamed to Learning Progress Meetings. The nature of these meetings is to discuss how students are progressing in the different subject areas. It is important that student learning is at the centre of these meetings and as such, they are required to be in attendance. Learning Progress Meetings will be held online in order to facilitate maximum participation and flexibility.

We are looking forward to meeting with parents and students during these meetings, which are scheduled for:

  • Wednesday 24 April 2.30pm to 8.00pm
  • Thursday 2 May 2.30pm to 8.00pm

Letters will be emailed to families today with instructions on how to make a booking via PAM before the commencement of Term 2.

Please keep a look out in your email inbox for this information.

Term 1 Break

Given that students and their families will have an extended break from school over the upcoming holiday period, it is recommended that students utilise this time to organise their study notes and prepare for Term 2. Senior students will have tasks and readings to complete over the three weeks in order to maintain continuity and progress.

Please encourage your child/children to balance their time over the holiday break to include relaxation, fun with family and friends and to stay up-to-date with their studies.

Jane Ward
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching