


Bonjour à tous et à toutes !

Our Year 8 French language class recently embarked on a culinary adventure. With aprons tied and spatulas in hand, they dove into the art of making crêpes—a quintessential French delicacy .

Food is a beautiful expression of culture and a universal language. The process of learning how to make crêpes became a gateway to understanding the traditions, history and values embedded within the well renowned French cuisine.

The students learned that crêpes symbolise joy and celebration in France, often enjoyed during festive occasions such as Mardi Gras.

The process of cooking together fostered teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills. It was a great experience and we must say “Merci Beaucoup!” to the Food Technology department for helping us and letting us use the kitchen.

“Au revoir” until our next delicious adventure!

Giovanni Di Fabrizio
Learning Leader: Languages