

Health and Physical Education

Get Active Week

Next week is Get Active Week. Whilst we all know that we should include physical activity in our daily routines, it can often be hard to find the time or find the motivation to do so. Next week, from September 5 to 11, Get Active Victoria is giving everyone access to a huge range of resources, tips and tools for being more physically active.

Click on the link below and sign up to get access to all the great resources and the activity tracker. Perhaps you or your family or a group of friends could join the teams feature which would allow your team to follow each other’s activity, motivate each other, and encourage each other to achieve.

Another great way to get active or stay active is to join up to our school Strava challenge. Details are on SIMON.

As always, there are many great learning opportunities and activities for our students. Our Year 7 PE classes are having great fun putting together their dance routines, our Year 8 PE classes have been participating in a cheerleading unit and our Year 9 and 10 PE classes are learning some valuable life skills in the Self-Defence program they are undertaking.

Our VCE VET Sport and Recreation students will be attending the St. Kilda football Club in the last week of Term 3 to participate in a recovery session which will help those students apply their current learning about conditioning for sport.

Natalie Burke
Learning Leader: Health and Physical Education