

Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement

The springtime air, the sound of the birds, the glorious state of our grounds are all a beautiful reminder of the gift of creation and that the end of another year of learning is fast approaching. As Week 6 draws to a close, we celebrate learning in all its iterations and in all the ways in which learning comes to life.

Our Year 12 students have continued with their VCE exams. Some concluded yesterday, while others continue over the next week. We continue to be with our graduating students and with their families as they embark on these final stages of their secondary schooling. There have been a lot of assessments going on at present and we congratulate all students for their hard work and dedication to their learning. It has been wonderful to witness many students in the Library afterschool using the whiteboards available to revise and showcase their understanding of concepts studied. 

This week our Year 9 students enjoyed the explosion of joy that comes with learning with their ‘Celebration of Learning Evening’ and we celebrated the success of our Year 8 Design and Technologies students who reached the semi-finals in the ‘Australian Video Game Challenge’. Last week we admired the grit and resilience our Duke of Edinburgh students displayed, as they overcame wet and windy conditions to complete their overnight camp and the creative flair of our ‘Teen Chef’ representatives. There are many opportunities to foster a lifelong love of learning at Kilbreda and we are incredibly proud of the openness of our students to learning and their willingness to step out of their comfort zone and try something new.

Child Safety

At Kilbreda College, we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school. With the introduction of new Child Safe Standards in July 2022, one of our key priorities this term has been on deepening our students’ understanding of what child safety is and why it is important, and empowering our students to actively participate in creating a culture that is safe for them and their peers. Presentations have been delivered to all Year 7 to 12 students through the Pastoral Program informing them about all their rights, including their rights to safety, information and participation. Students have been made aware of the importance of developing help-seeking behaviours and support systems that are available both within the school environment and in local community.

Surviving and Thriving in Year 12

Kingston Youth Services are proud to welcome back Dr Michael Carr-Gregg to deliver an online parent information night on ‘Surviving and thriving in Year 12.’

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg practises at Camberwell Medical Practice and is a master trainer for Mental Health First Aid Australia, a patron of Read the Play and a columnist for a number of publications. Michael is the resident psychologist for the top-rating, Morning Show with Neil Mitchell on Fairfax Radio 3AW.  His main interests include areas of parent information and, especially, his trademark talks to parents and student on how to build happy and resilient children, surviving Year 7 and thriving in Year 12.

As students reach their final years in high school, the emphasis on achieving good results in the end of school exams increases.  This can lead to students feeling extraordinary pressure and having unrealistic expectations placed upon them.  Topics explored in this presentation include advice for parents on how they can help their child cope with pressure, work smarter and enjoy the final years of school.  In addition, areas of managing stress and anxiety, getting enough sleep, maintaining good habits in relation to diet and exercise and coping with exams and pressure, will be explored throughout this presentation.

Please find further information regarding this information night here.

Surviving and Thriving in Year 12
Monday 14 November
7.00 to 8.00pm

To reserve your spot please follow the QR code in the flyer provided, or the link below.

Parent Information Night – Surviving and Thriving in Year 12 Tickets, Mon 14/11/2022 at 7:00 pm | Eventbrite

I wish you all a very peaceful and joyful weekend and look forward to celebrating with you as one community when we unite for our Celebration of Achievement Evening, Year 7 to 11 Award Assembly, Christmas Soiree or our end of year Eucharistic celebration.

Stephanie Smyth
Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement