

Assistant Principal: Staff

New Staff

I would like to welcome the following staff members who have joined the Kilbreda community.

Simon Wilksch 

Simon joins us as our new Maintenance Manager and commenced on Monday 8 August 2022. Simon is a past parent and has most recently been Property Assistant at St John’s Regional College, Dandenong for the last seven years, after having a successful Jim’s mowing franchise for many years.

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Survey (MACSSIS)

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Survey (MACSSIS) is a tool used for creating, collecting, analysing, interpreting and using data to inform catholic school improvement. The perception data produced from these surveys will tell us what different people in our school community think and feel about the learning environment at Kilbreda.

This year, the survey will be conducted between Monday 29 August and Friday 16 September and will provide all students and randomly selected families the opportunity to provide feedback across domain areas including demographic information, family engagement, barriers to engagement, school fit, school climate, student safety, communication and Catholic Identity.

To ensure the College can make the most of this process, if would be appreciated if families who receive an email in relation to this could complete the survey within the specified window of time.

Tanya Kolb
Assistant Principal: Staff