

Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

It has been fantastic to see so many families meeting with teachers during the scheduled parent/teacher interview times. If students can attend the interviews, we encourage them to attend and engage in goal setting and listening to feedback from their teacher and parents.

Partnership between school and home is an important part of the learning journey and research shows that communication and collaboration have a positive impact on student learning.

We look forward to the opportunity to speak with more students and their families next week on Wednesday 11 August. Please remember that this is a student free day.

Student and Staff Absences

2022 has seen an increase in both student and staff absences due to COVID-19 and other illnesses. It is important for members of the community to remain at home if they are unwell and follow health advice regarding a return to school.

Student Absence – Keeping up with missed classes

  • Teachers will continue to post details of the work being completed by their classes online, either via Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams or email.
  • If a student is well enough, they should attempt to keep up with the classwork as outlined by their teacher as best they can.
  • Upon returning to school, student should let their teacher know what work they have and have not been able to complete.
  • In the case of assessment tasks, students should discuss this with their teacher and determine the expectations for completion – this may involve an adjusted task, an extension of time or approved absence and moving onto the next topic.

Teacher Absence

  • When a teacher is absent, they will set work for the class to complete.
  • Wherever possible another teacher will be allocated to supervise the class. At times, senior classes may be directed to the Library to complete their set work.
  • Students are required to take responsibility for their own learning and ensure they utilise class time effectively to complete the work set.

Subject Selection for 2023

The past few weeks has provided many opportunities for students, parents and teachers to engage in conversations about future pathways.

Students will shortly receive two emails regarding their upcoming subject selections:

Please take the time to read through the Course Handbooks (Year 9 to Year 12) with your child and provide assistance and support in their subject selection. Remember that it is recommended that students consider three factors when selecting their subjects:

  1. What subjects to I enjoy doing?
  2. What subjects am I good at?
  3. What subjects will help me in my future pathway?

Online subject selections close on Thursday 11 August. Please ensure that selections are submitted by this time in order to allow for any follow up conversations and appropriate planning for 2023.

Jane Ward
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching