

Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching

2022 has provided us with many opportunities to live the College value of ‘Compassion’. As we prepare ourselves to celebrate the Christmas season and reflect on the love that God demonstrated to us by sending Christ, may we also remember those who are struggling and reach out in practical ways to support those on the margins.

Thank you to all families who have partnered with us through this year and for your encouragement of our teachers and staff. It is a blessing to know that the Kilbreda College motto of Strength and Kindliness exists beyond the classrooms and extends into our community.

End of Year Examinations

Congratulations to all students in Years 9 to 12 who participated in examinations to conclude the academic year. It was wonderful to see students continue to rise to challenges and do their best to demonstrate their learning from 2022. Well done!

Sustainable School Shop

The Sustainable School Shop is an externally operated website that provides families with the opportunity to sell and source second hand textbooks. Many textbooks used here at the College in different year levels can be sourced from this site. Families who would like to make the most of buying and selling second hand texts are encouraged to register with the Sustainable School Shop website at

If you are purchasing second hand books, please ensure that they are the correct edition according to the 2023 booklist.


Students who are moving into Years 10 to 12 in 2023 have completed their first week of Headstart classes and will continue with this program into the last week of school. This program is designed to provide students with an opportunity to meet their teachers, make connections with new classmates and obtain an overview of the learning that lies ahead. Please ensure that Headstart homework is completed over the holiday period, so that you return in 2023 ready to take on the new academic year with vigor.

Blessings for the Christmas Season

May you be filled with the wonder of Mary, the obedience of Joseph, the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the determination of the magi, and the peace of the Christ Child. Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless you now and forever.

Author Unknown

Jane Ward
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching