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Kildare Ministries Living Justice Immersion

Last week, five of our students attended the Kildare Ministries Living Justice Immersion. Aimed at Social Justice Leaders, the two-day conference gave attendees the opportunity to learn more about cotemporary Social Justice issues. Focusing on this year’s theme of Courage, the group heard from guest speakers including Author and Activist, Judy Ryan, OAM recipient for her work with the ‘Residents for Victoria St Drug Solutions Group’ and beyond. Thenu Herath, CEO of Oaktree, an organisation that is ‘100% youth-led by volunteers, campaigners, and students all 26 and under’ also spoke about young people creating a more just world and gave advice on advocacy and activism and being ‘agents of change’. A highlight was our students networking with like-minded peers from other Kildare Ministries schools, sharing ideas on how they can implement some practical Social Justice activities into daily life at the College. Our Living Justice team left the Immersion inspired and are ready to put their learnings into actions.