Farewell Class of 2023
Today we farewell our Class of 2023. Over the last week we have had the privilege of reflecting on the incredible contributions they have made to the College. Today’s festivities began with dressing up as their ‘future selves’, enjoying a breakfast, year level presentations and finally, a student-led whole school assembly and class song. Other highlights over the week have been tying their blessed ribbons to the Oak Tree and participating in their final formal Assembly, opportunities that have allowed us to collectively reflect on their journey through secondary school. The Homeroom Morning Teas were a hit once again as students travelled back to 2018 to gather with their first homeroom group and open their time capsules. These contained notes from peers and their younger selves and guaranteed lots of laughter and some embarrassing moments! To end today’s Celebration Day, the Class of 2023 began the next steps of their journey, passing through a guard of honour and high-fiving and hugging their way out into the wider world. This group is truly exceptional and their smiles and presence will be greatly missed within our College. As many of them approach their final exams, we keep them in our thoughts and offer our best wishes. We’re so thrilled to follow them all as they embark on their next adventure! Look out world!