2024 College Co-Captains
Congratulations to Alicia Noble and Lola Martin who were announced today as the College Co-Captains for 2024. Both Alicia and Lola have been actively involved in college life over the years in various leadership roles including as Student Ambassadors and Community Action Leaders, undertaken many cocurricular opportunities within the Performing Arts and beyond, won awards including the ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership Award and a Brigid Award and have both been Class Captains every year since Year 7! They are incredibly passionate about making a positive contribution to our College community. By her peers, Alicia is described as positive, enthusiastic, inclusive and supportive and believes “Growth is about focussing on progress not perfection”. Lola by her peers is seen as loyal, hard-working, organised and compassionate. She believes “Not every day is great but there is something great in every day”. We have no doubt that Alicia and Lola as the incredible role models they are, will together serve our community with great commitment and dedication, following in the footsteps of Sienna and Rachel before them.